Ritual and Ceremony

There are many events in our lives that we might choose to mark with a ceremony or ritual. I offer both religious and non-religious services for individuals, couples, and groups, with special care for the LBTQIA+ community.

Financial resources should not be a barrier to celebration or ritual. I offer a sliding scale based on your needs and resources, and I'm open to bartering.

Sacred Namings and Re-Namings - To honor a name change, and affirm who you are

Weddings - Both legal and ceremonial unions

Poly Unions - weddings and relationship celebrations for more than two people (legal recognition is limited)

Queer High Holy Day Rituals - Pride, TDOR, national coming out day etc.

Funerals - To honor the dead and support the living

Other - Have an important event or life change that you want to honor? Let's chat!